Manifesto/Declaration of China Progress Party

The English version is below the Chinese version.

中華進步黨宣言(序)Manifesto/Declaration of China Progress Party











Manifesto/Declaration of China Progress Party (Preface)

1. The CCP, i.e. China Communist Party’s bureaucratic, privileged and authoritarian political system is based on the communist theory and ideology of Marx and Lenin, which can be proved from the three dimensions of theory, history and reality, and has been written into the CCP’s regime in legal form “Constitution” and “Party Constitution”. Therefore, the political reform of China’s future liberal democratic constitutionalism must first solve the problem of Marx and Lenin’s communist theory and ideology. On the contrary, if this problem is not completely resolved, China’s political reform will never touch the essence.

2. Just as China’s economic reform is closely related to the whole world, especially Europe, America, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea, similarly, China’s future political reform of freedom, democracy and constitutionalization is not just a matter for Chinese citizens, but will definitely bring new benefits to the human world. to have far-reaching and wide-ranging effects. The principles and facts of the mutual influence of the human historical process are interlinked in the past and present. For example, Marxism brought Soviet totalitarian communism to Russia, and violent communist revolution to China, causing Chinese compatriots to kill each other, leading to the split between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, and political confrontation to this day. The disasters caused by Marxism-Leninism to the whole world are by no means isolated. In addition to the political and military confrontation between China and Taiwan for more than 70 years, there is also the division and hostility on the Korean Peninsula that has also lasted for more than 70 years.

3. No matter how brutal Mao Zedong’s rule was (Stalin + Qin Shihuang), the communist beliefs of the past generation of CCP revolutionaries were sincere, and many communists paid the price with blood and lives for their ideals. But now the CCP’s communist theory and ideology have long been proven to be no different from the “Emperor’s New Clothes.” Therefore, it is necessary to deconstruct the basis of the CCP’s regime ideologically and theoretically. The fact that the “blind people feel the elephant/the center of the earth”-style world view is publicly announced to the whole world, especially to the global Chinese. The CCP regime seems to have become the most powerful authoritarian regime in the world, but its greatest weakness is that the theoretical basis of its rule cannot withstand any public debate. Therefore, the lowest-cost and effective weapon to protect Taiwan is not the US aircraft carrier battle group, but an ideological weapon that breaks the theoretical foundation of the CCP regime.

4. The CCP’s highly centralized and totalitarian party-government regime has in fact formed an atheistic theocratic rule model similar to the unity of politics and religion in the Middle Ages. The greatest success of the CCP’s regime is not the success of economic development, but the control of people’s thinking, Verbal, spiritual and conscious success. The future reform of China’s political system will inevitably require changes at the level of thought and concept. This is one of the important reasons why the Chinese Progressive Party was born. The Chinese Progressive Party announced this fact to the world, which is actually equivalent to pointing out that the emperor of the new era of the CCP did not wear any distinctive new clothes. cries and cries.

5. Birds of a feather flock together and people are divided into groups. After the evil Russian Putin neo-fascist regime launched a criminal war of aggression against free Ukraine, when free and democratic societies around the world, including Taiwan, have severely condemned and sanctioned Russia, the CCP regime has not treated Russia Condemnation is actually a great connivance and support for Russia. Not only that, the CCP has given Russia the greatest help in politics, diplomacy and public opinion. This shows a basic fact: the CCP regime and the Putin regime in Russia are politically genetically They have the same origin. Therefore, China’s future political reform must not only solve the problem of domestic freedom and democracy, but also the problem of Russia, the evil bear in the north.

6. From this, it is concluded that the Chinese Progressive Party has a sacred mission: it must take about one generation to recover Vladivostok, Sakhalin Island and the Outer Xing’an Mountains occupied by Russia through peaceful redemption. Only when Vladivostok, Sakhalin Island and Waixing’an Mountains, the sacred territories that have belonged to the Chinese nation since ancient times, return to the embrace of the Chinese nation, can it be regarded as the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. There are tens of millions of Chinese citizens who are willing to fight for this mission.

7. Taiwan has long been a free, democratic and constitutional society, has long been among the world’s civilized societies politically and economically, and has long been de facto a political entity independent of the CCP’s bureaucratic and authoritarian rule. Not to recognize that Taiwan has long been de facto independent is as absurd as not to recognize that the Soviet Union has already collapsed. Moreover, the CCP wishfully declared that the implementation of the so-called “one country, two systems” for Taiwan is either ignorant or unscrupulous, or both. Therefore, the philosophy of the Chinese Progressive Party is very clear: Only after recovering Vladivostok, Sakhalin Island, and the Outer Xing’an Mountains occupied by Russia can we discuss the issue of reunification with Taiwan. Moreover, anyone who intimidates or attacks Taiwan by force will be a sinner of the Chinese nation through the ages.

8. The division and hostility of the Korean peninsula so far are closely related to the political system and ideas of the Chinese Communist regime. The Chinese Progressive Party believes that the Chinese people bear the responsibility for the suffering of the Korean people. Therefore, it should do its best to help the free and democratic people in the south South Korea peacefully unifies authoritarian North Korea. The Chinese Progressive Party believes that when mainland China becomes a social-democratic political system similar to Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, or Germany and Sweden in the future, the sustainable peace and even reunification of mainland China and Taiwan, as well as the peaceful reunification of the Korean peninsula, will be of great importance. It will be just around the corner and a matter of course. This is the internal logic of the historical development of mankind, and it is also the historical mission entrusted to the Chinese Progressive Party by God.

Chinese Progressive Party

July 21, 2023