The English version is below the Chinese version.



  1. 任何人認識宇宙萬物、人類社會、歷史發展的能力都有局限性。
  2. 任何人的知識、德行、經驗都有局限性。
  3. 任何人都不可能掌握全部的(絕對)真理。
  4. 因此,任何人想像、構建、發展出來的任何主義、思想、理論、觀點,包括哲學及宗教思想觀點,都無可避免地存在局限性,甚至存在根本性的錯謬。
  5. 在相當長的歷史時期內(可能是一百年,或者一千年甚至更久),大多數人相信或接受的觀點,很可能不僅不是真理,反而更像是“盲人摸象式”的理論,例如支配了歐洲世界觀千年歷史的“地心說”。(但聖經並不支持這個學說)
  6. 有時,或者在相當長的歷史時期內,兩種(或N種)截然不同、完全對立甚至無法調和的觀點,分別被數量龐大的信奉者所堅持,每一邊的信奉者都認為他們相信的是真理,例如,關於人類的起源,至少存在生物進化論和上帝創造論這兩種完全對立的觀點,這兩種觀點在全世界都有至少十億級的群體。
  7. 這表明三個無可爭辯的基本事實:
  8. 因此,為了避免都認為自己代表真理、持不同思想觀點的人互相殘殺,或者,為了避免力量強大的觀點方對弱小的觀點方進行迫害,應當允許持不同思想觀點的人通過各種形式進行公開交流或辯論。
  9. 公開交流或辯論的目的,並非一定要在究竟什麼才是真理這個問題上達成完全的共識,而是要在促進認識真理的規則上達成一致,這就好比:觀點強烈衝突、互相強烈敵對的兩個國家,完全可以在奧林匹克運動會這個公開的和平舞臺上,展開十分激烈但友好包容的肢體運動競爭,而無需對另一方進行人格或身體方面的攻擊或羞辱。
  10. 由於人類無法預知未來知識的增長(卡爾·波普爾),因此,人類對真理方面知識的追求將是十分漫長的過程,也是人類永恆的課題。
  11. 在對什麼是絕對真理尚未達成完全一致之前,至少應該確定地知道什麼不是絕對真理。
  12. 毫無疑問,那些聲稱掌握了真理,且容不得不同思想觀點和意見的群體,無論其組織形式是政府、政黨還是宗教團體,無論其人數規模、掌握的權力有多大,其越是容不得不同思想觀點和意見,越是沒有能力進行公開辯論,那麼,其越可能沒有擁有真理,其越有可能代表謊言或錯謬。
  13. 反之,越是接近於真理,就越可能包容不同的思想觀點和意見。
  14. 基於上述理性精神,一個貨真價實的法治國家的《憲法》裡,不應當寫進某個活人或某些具體死人的名字及其思想觀點或主張,無論那些死人被經不起任何公開辯論的意識形態宣傳包裝得多麼偉大,也無論那個活人的位置有多高、權力有多大。反之,如果把某個活人或某些具體死人的名字寫進《憲法》裡,就證明那個國家的法治本質上不是貨真價實的法治,而是虛假的法治。一個法治國家的憲法裡,應當把不能證偽的、能經受時間和環境考驗的不變法治原則寫進憲法裡。否則,那個國家根本就不是法治國家,而是極其虛偽、標語口號式的“以法治國”的國家。
  15. 把某個活人或某些死人的名字寫進憲法裡,本質上是對法治精神和憲政精神的違反和褻瀆。其結果是必然造成人治,必然造成極少數活人打著幾個死人的名義統治大多數活人,其根本實質最終還是死人統治活人。
  16. 少數活人為了維持打著幾個死人的名義對大多數活人進行統治,必然要求大多數活人都跪著,以仰視那些高高在上的占統治地位的少數活人。
  17. 同時,少數活人為了維持用幾個死人的名義對大多數活人實行的統治,必然要創造出一種新型的無神論的宗教,這種新型宗教把幾個死人奉為神明,大多數被統治的活人不能懷疑那幾個死人,不能對他們提出異議,更不能對他們進行反思和批評,甚至都不允許公開討論他們。
  18. 並且,少數活人基於這種無神論的宗教體系,必然發展出一種【類政教合一】的權力結構和統治模式,這種類政教合一必須對大多數活人進行思想、精神和意識的控制,使大多數活人的思考能力降低到他們可以隨意操縱的程度,他們的“盲人摸象式”的宗教,以及“具有中國特色的新時代的皇帝的新裝”,才能繼續表演下去。
  19. 因此,這種類政教合一必須設立具有【中國特色的新時代的宗教裁判所】,把一切跟他們的主義、思想和理論不一樣的觀點打成異端,從精神和肉體上加以鎮壓,如果不這樣,就無法維持他們類政教合一的統治。
  20. 幾個死人的主義、思想、理論,最多只能代表他們自己還活著時候的想法,或者只代表他們還活著的那個時代一部份人的想法,並不能代表當時所有人的想法,更不能代表現在所有活著的人的想法。
  21. 同理,個別活人的思想,最多只能代表他自己的想法,或者只代表跟他有類似思維模式、行為方式及利益關係的人的想法,並不能代表個別活人聲稱的某些死人的想法,更不能代表現在所有活著的人的想法。
  22. 任何政權的執政黨,如果真的想“解放思想”,首先就應該毫不猶豫、義無反顧地把一切死人活人的名字全部從憲法中剔除。
  23. 任何政權的執政黨,如果真的想“解放思想”,就必須首先使他們自己,也使大多數活人從少數幾個死人的主義思想理論的束縛、精神枷鎖,以及類政教合一的桎梏中解脫出來。
  24. 任何政權的執政黨,尤其是那些以財產共有為理念的政黨,如果真的想“革自己的命”,就應當首先毫無保留地公佈這個政黨全部政府官員的真實財產,就像全世界一切正常和法治國家所做的那樣。
  25. 但是,指望那些實施【類政教合一】統治的政黨真的有實際能力“解放思想”,真的有合理的動力“革自己的命”,無異於認為一個人提著自己的頭髮能脫離地面,無異于天方夜譚,因此,CPP就歷史性地登上了中國和世界的政治的舞臺。
  26. 為了實行真正的法治和真正的憲政,為了告別死人統治活人的人治,為了告別少數活人打著死人的名義對大多數活人實施的【類政教合一】的專制統治,CPP的首要任務是把一切死人活人的名字全部從憲法中剔除。
  27. 任何政權的執政黨,如果對自己的理論、制度和道路真的自信,就應該允許那些對他們的理論、制度和道路持不同想法和看法的人進行公開辯論,否則,那種所謂的自信不過是自欺欺人。
  28. 這是中國千年未有的理性與和平的政治變革的需要,也可以促進和推動中國千年未有的理性與和平的政治變革。

The China Progress Party’s 28 Theses on China’s Constitutional Reform

Out of the desire to explore the truth, discern the truth, and open up the wisdom of the people, Yang Baini, a folk researcher on Marxism, the Bible, Jewish and Islamic history, intends to invite people who are interested in the fundamental issues of Chinese politics to conduct live video debates on the Internet. Sincerely I hope that those who do not agree with my ideas and opinions and cannot participate in public debates can submit written opinions.

  1. Anyone’s ability to understand the universe, human society, and historical development has limitations.
  2. Everyone has limitations in knowledge, virtue and experience.
  3. No one person can grasp the whole (absolute) truth.
  4. Therefore, any doctrines, ideas, theories, and viewpoints imagined, constructed, or developed by anyone, including philosophical and religious thoughts and viewpoints, inevitably have limitations and even fundamental errors.
  5. In a fairly long historical period (perhaps a hundred years, or a thousand years or even longer), the views believed or accepted by most people are not only not the truth, but more like “blind men feeling the elephant” theory , such as the “Geocentric Theory” that has dominated the European world view for thousands of years. (But the Bible does not support this doctrine)
  6. Sometimes, or over a long period of time, two (or N) completely different, completely opposite or even irreconcilable views are held by a large number of believers, and believers on each side think that they Believe in the truth, for example, regarding the origin of human beings, there are at least two completely opposite viewpoints, the theory of biological evolution and the theory of God’s creation, and these two viewpoints have at least one billion groups of people all over the world.
  7. This demonstrates three fundamental and indisputable facts:
    A. Human beings have not yet reached a general consensus on the crucial question of how they came to be. The theory of evolution can never explain the first source of the first creature in the universe or the most basic unit that constitutes the first creature, and the revelation of creationism inspired by the Holy Bible cannot be understood and accepted by empirical scientific thinking and paradigms)
    B. Either there is no absolute truth in the human world, or there is a fundamental cognitive bias towards absolute truth.
    C. Science has its limitations and scope of application. It is unscientific to think that science can explain and solve all human problems and problems.
  8. Therefore, in order to prevent people who all think they represent the truth and hold different views from killing each other, or to avoid persecution of weak points of view by powerful points of view, people with different views should be allowed to fight in various forms. Open communication or debate.
  9. The purpose of public communication or debate is not necessarily to reach a complete consensus on what is the truth, but to reach agreement on the rules that promote the understanding of truth, which is like: strong conflicts of views, strong mutual hostility It is entirely possible for the two countries of the United States to engage in very intense but friendly and inclusive physical competition on the open and peaceful stage of the Olympic Games without attacking or humiliating the other party in terms of personality or body.
  10. Since human beings cannot predict the growth of knowledge in the future (Karl Popper), the pursuit of knowledge of truth will be a very long process and an eternal subject for human beings.
  11. Before there is complete agreement on what is absolute truth, one should at least know with certainty what is not absolute truth.
  12. There is no doubt that groups that claim to possess the truth and cannot tolerate different ideas and opinions, regardless of whether they are organized in the form of governments, political parties or religious groups, regardless of their size and power, are more tolerant. Having to disagree with ideas and opinions, the less capable of open debate, the more likely it does not possess the truth, the more likely it represents a lie or a falsehood.
  13. Conversely, the closer to the truth, the more likely to accommodate different ideas and opinions.
  14. Based on the above-mentioned rational spirit, the “Constitution” of a genuine country under the rule of law should not include the name of a living person or some specific dead people and their ideological views or opinions, regardless of whether those dead people cannot withstand any public debate. No matter how great the ideological propaganda package is, no matter how high the status and power of the living person is. Conversely, if the names of a living person or some specific dead people are written into the Constitution, it proves that the rule of law in that country is not the real rule of law in essence, but a false rule of law. In the constitution of a country under the rule of law, unfalsifiable and unchangeable principles of the rule of law that can stand the test of time and the environment should be written into the constitution. Otherwise, that country is not a country ruled by law at all, but a country with extremely hypocritical slogans such as “rule the country by law”.
  15. Writing the names of a certain living person or certain dead people into the Constitution is essentially a violation and desecration of the spirit of the rule of law and constitutionalism. As a result, the rule of man will inevitably result, a very small number of living people will rule the majority of living people in the name of a few dead people, and the fundamental essence will ultimately be that the dead rule over the living.
  16. In order to maintain the rule of the majority of living people in the name of a few dead people, the few living people will inevitably require the majority of the living people to kneel in order to look up to the few living people who are superior and occupy a dominant position.
  17. At the same time, in order to maintain the domination of the few living over the majority of the living in the name of the few dead, it is necessary to create a new type of atheistic religion. The living people who rule cannot doubt the few dead people, cannot raise objections to them, let alone reflect on and criticize them, and are not even allowed to discuss them publicly.
  18. Moreover, based on this atheistic religious system, a small number of living people will inevitably develop a power structure and governance model of [similar to the unity of politics and religion]. Only by controlling and reducing the thinking ability of most living people to the point where they can be manipulated at will can their “blind men feel the elephant” religion and “the emperor’s new clothes of the new era with Chinese characteristics” can continue to perform.
  19. Therefore, this kind of theocratic unity must establish a [new era religious inquisition with Chinese characteristics], label all views that are different from their doctrines, thoughts and theories as heresies, and suppress them spiritually and physically. If Otherwise, it would be impossible to maintain their rule of theocracy.
  20. The doctrines, ideas, and theories of a few dead people can only represent their own thoughts when they were still alive, or only represent the thoughts of some people in the era when they were still alive, and cannot represent the thoughts of everyone at that time , let alone represent the thoughts of all living people.
  21. In the same way, the thoughts of an individual living person can only represent his own thoughts at most, or only represent the thoughts of people who have similar thinking patterns, behaviors, and interests with him, and cannot represent some of the individual living people’s claims. The thoughts of the dead, let alone the thoughts of all living people.
  22. If the ruling party of any regime really wants to “emancipate the mind”, it should first remove all the names of the dead and the living from the constitution without hesitation or turning back.
  23. If the ruling party of any regime really wants to “emancipate the mind”, it must first liberate themselves and the majority of living people from the shackles of socialist ideology, spiritual shackles, and unity of state and religion with a few dead people. freed from the shackles.
  24. If the ruling party of any regime, especially those with the concept of property sharing, really wants to “remove their own lives”, they should first unreservedly announce the real property of all government officials of the party, just like the whole Everything in the world is normal and as a country ruled by law does.
  25. However, expecting those political parties that implement [simultaneity of politics and religion] to really have the actual ability to “emancipate the mind” and really have a reasonable motivation to “remove their own lives” is tantamount to thinking that a person who lifts his own hair can Breaking off the ground is tantamount to fantasy. Therefore, the CPP has historically stepped onto the political stage of China and the world.
  26. In order to implement the real rule of law and real constitutional government, to bid farewell to the rule of man in which the dead rule over the living, and to bid farewell to the autocratic rule of the majority of the living by a small number of living people in the name of the dead, the CPP’s The first task is to remove all the names of the dead and the living from the constitution.
  27. If the ruling party of any regime is really confident in its own theory, system and path, it should allow those who hold different ideas and views on their theory, system and path to hold open debates, otherwise, the so-called Confidence is nothing but self-deception.
  28. This is the need for a rational and peaceful political change that China has never seen in a thousand years, and it can also promote and promote a rational and peaceful political change that China has never seen in a thousand years.